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Cookies Policy
This site uses cookies that allow you to improve the user's experience and performance in using it. Cookies serve, for example, to identify your access device, which is useful for securing access to all areas of the site and for securing certain features in particular. By browsing this site you are consenting to the use of cookies.
What are cookies
Cookies are small text files that contain anonymous information that is saved to your access device by the site you browse through your browser.
What are cookies for
Cookies are widely used on the internet to ensure the functioning of the sites and also to provide important information to the managers of the same, also allowing time for a faster and more efficient navigation.
How to manage cookies
Cookies can be managed by you directly through the settings of your browser (program that you use to surf the internet). Follow the link associated with the browser you use to learn how you can change your cookie settings
- Google Chrome (https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=pt&topic=14666&ctx=topic)
- Mozilla Firefox (https://support.mozilla.org/pt-PT/products/firefox/protect-your-privacy/cookies)
- Apple Safari (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=pt_PT&locale=pt_PT)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer (https://support.microsoft.com/pt-pt/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies)
- For other browsers not listed, look for the Help option in the software itself.
Others cookies
By browsing this site you may also receive other cookies, such as those placed by external platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter or others, as well as cookies placed by the Google Analytics tool, among others, that we can use to obtain statistical information about the use of the site. If you do not want to accept cookies from Google Anlytics see here https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=None how can you reject them.
Cookies in emails
When receiving an email from us it is possible that the same also use cookies to know if the email was read or clicked. If you wish, you can cancel the sending of these emails at any time.
If you would like to know more about cookies we suggest you visit http://www.aboutcookies.org .
In case of doubts, please contact us thru the email: sensordin@sensordin.pt.